To the readers:

the feeling of G.R.E.A.T

have no time to blog recently, there are too many datelines to meet... panting for breath. still giving a second thought on buying the tickets for the musical- phantom of opera?? should I? i think its gotta be a fabulous musical concert. the upcoming performance bonus is just days ahead. haa suddenly feel rich yea~ anyway back to the topic. sistic's homepage is seriously flooded with surfing fellows, aiyo need to upgrade the server. been logging for the past ten minutes and still nothing appear on the screen. try again later....

the past one year was a survival test to me, at last i made it to be a good team player of the group. the hard work pays off really... thank god! being promoted within a year isn't easy and i was glad that i have a good boss who harbours thoughts for us - the members. with such a promising reward brought me supreme motivation and though the evening course is turning me into an owl, i am sure that my work committment is never going to be affected. of course not only to my xiao lao ban who is helping me lots, there are other members who have also helped me along the way to success...

hiak hiak, lastly i wanna be thankful to chou thaddeus who has given me spiritual support and mutual love.

Many thanks and cheerios!

From ah jing...

posted by jingzzz @