what type of CHEESE are YOU?

You are american cheese!

You are a smooth, lightly colored, square-shaped cheese. You are a classic simple cheese. You are cautious and practical and very down to earth.American Cheese is smooth, with light, yellow or orange color. The cheese is usually cut into square slices and it does not separate when melted. It has a mild taste.


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guy lingual

check out what he really means?

guy talk: "Hey, babe"
translation: "I like you"
(call him something sweet back, i am sure that's what makes it exciting! haa)

guy talk: "You should try a diet"
translation: "I wanna make you someone you're not"
(this is ridiculous, you're special simply because you are you, so girls don't get so affected by these words yea!)

guy talk: " I'm having a night with the boys"
translation: "Gimme space"
(girls dont be silly and stay at home, take it as an opportunity to chill with ya gfs!)

guy talk: "We should see other people"
translation: "I wanna a break up with you"
(maybe it wasn't meant to be, so leave ok!)

guy talk: "I want the relationship to go further"
translation: "I wanna have sex"
(girls be alert with these words yea!)

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having earworms on the latest songs by jolin. this dancing diva is getting super popular over the past 5 years. no doubt she is good looking but i never find her likeable. i only find her songs very catchy. from the soft rock song called don't stop never give up till today's pop songs like ai qing 36 ji, see my 72 changes, zhao pai dong zhuo, ye man you xi and the newest album 舞孃...

she is really superb...

i am just very envious of her cos she is just 1cm away from my fav edison....

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its out HOO~

long awaited movie, YEAH out on theatres on 30th JUNE

catch this a book to movie !
(paging for lydia... )

see the trailer! it has caught my attention greatly.. oooo


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tango yankee

tango yankee = thank you :
to this annoymous friend who has recently cooked me a dish. though it was slightly solid for me to chew with my tee gay but it still tasted quite good in my mouth. anyway if you were to cook again do not attempt to handle difficult dishes. like me i started a very easy one with steamed egg and green veges. sad to say it was unsuccessful too..

posted by jingzzz @   0 comments

Jaw Drop

If you wonder what the fuss is about with World Cup, you just have to watch Argentina play; they really played beautifully.

Serb's goal keeper can hide in one corner and get bashed!

PS: william and kaizi no worries i am not feeling inferior but hooters' babes are really hot.. haa

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Money World

to my horror i stood for a few minutes to ogle at the fully formed fetus- a dead one, lying on the board ready for trimming. it is a male fetus which is 17 weeks big. from the appearance it looks like a rubber doll. my jaw dropped when i found out the reason for the abortion is due to financial problems of the parents. in today's world money talks, no money no say so i can picture how it's going to be very difficult for those poor parents to raise their children. but.... (to be continued.. OT paging for me)

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gon gon me

the perth photos are all stored in 4th aunt's camera and i stupidly transferred to the cds without giving myself a copy and therefore no photos to upload... DUR!

but before my minolta got froze and shut off completely i took some pictures on the plane... hee

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Decision Precision

i feel so lousy all the while especially tonight. too lousy to be afraid of making mistakes and probably would spend a ridiculous amount of time agonising over a particular decision coz i just don't want to make a mistake. perhaps i should learn to make occassional mistake and stop adding pressure on myself thinking what if i make a big mistake, for i had made several big ones in my life. so what am i worrying? and if it does end up being a mistake of catastrophic proportions, then i can chalk it up as another lesson learned.

aiya just being ironic again... pulling my hair Grr....!

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my elephant feet

my feet swells and it just looks like a bun. i guess it could be just due to the intensive walking during perth. with my elephant feet i still went clubbing last night at mos. so huge but its not as fascinating as you people thought. went home slightly early than the rest just cannot tahan anymore. somehow i had enough of the same interrogating and therefore would like to emphasize again that i am no longer with him and please spare me off. i would really appreciate! been very busy with my studies and work sometimes i feel super drained off by all the tasks and assignments. perth trip gave me a slight break but it seems like after the holiday i felt even more tired, body is aching and mentally stress. but no matter what life still goes on and need to accomplish the daily stuffs...

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