like mother like daughter

all mums are naggy this is understandable. nagging is their daily routine. they would always say is for our own good, blah blah blah.... i definitely agree that too much nagging tunes someone out, but i do nag at people and they pretty know who they are... hee

amazingly every women has her own 'personalised style' of nagging. the nagging my mum has is known as " The Sunrise Whiner" : It starts as the sun comes up over the horizon. my eyes begin to open and i will hear my first morning whine. or i'm still asleep and it wakes me like a rooster.

mine will be categorised as " The Marathon Nagger" : This woman will nag for a longer time so she paces herself, for two to three hours. friends do u all agree? haa

hey girls, what's yours?

posted by jingzzz @