reminiscent flash

last night my two seniors brought me to tag along their secondary school gathering, just a group of seven, at altivo bar at mount faber. haa i'm the outcast! initially we were supposed to be at wala wala but the crowd was too overwhelming so they divulged their way and there we drove up the hill. bad memories of mine were just flashing into my mind - a dispute which has caused me to walk down the hill and 05 christmas chill out after the cabbie incident.

i used to love this place where you can have a wonderful view of the starry night but not now, truly speaking... everytime when friends and i travel up there, a surge of pain just keep beating against me.

two of them could sense something was wrong with me. somehow i told myself not to be a spolit brad and started to get involved in their talking and some gossiping. everyone was laughing away with the red wine. straight after the second glass i could feel tipsy and stopped myself from further consuming. as usual tay was super busy with her incoming messages, jerrini talked non-stop, others were either listening, laughing or telling stories of their own...

the night was getting later and later... no one seemed to be tired and were like unwilling to get their arse up from the comfy sofa (except for visiting the toilets). finally the bar closed at 3am but it started drizzle and shortly turned into a heavy downpour. by this time i could then see the exhausting faces of most of them, tay's eyes became droopy and fell asleep when she boarded the car. i'm so grateful to their friend (the taiwan adventurer) for his goodwill of sending me home. it's a long long journey....

posted by jingzzz @