i hope i have dementia so that i can stop whatever i am doing now. i have come to a point where i start to spot for possible questions. i can't possibly complete the study of the whole stream of chapters. its very time consuming and my productivity never increase.

what could be the worst?

a big F*** = FAIL

I have given myself the last resort.. study whatever i think CAN BE EXAMINED!

angel pls help me...

oops pls spare me from dementia.. it can come true AFTER the EXAMS

posted by jingzzz @   0 comments

Guess what ? I look like these Superstar...

posted by jingzzz @   0 comments

three classes of largest cell surface receptors are

G linked receptors
Tyrosine kinase receptors
Ion channels

the difference between ion channels and carrier proteins which made use of nuclear receptors.
the former one has a transprot rate of 10 to the power of 5 times faster than any carrier protein
it act through passive transport, ions diffuse rapidly across the membrane based on their electrochemical gradients.

to be continue..

i m going crazy....

posted by jingzzz @   0 comments

I love this quote:

Karl Marx will tell me this :" Exams are make for people to fail, if not who is going to do the low paying jobs for the capitalist to exploit?"

9 days to count down... sianz~

posted by jingzzz @   0 comments

Push push push

ahem i dun mean to ease labor and deliver. just want to add some stress to myself...
time is running out with less than 20 days and the killer exams are approaching.
saturday evening isn't a time to enjoy but to bury myself with the textbooks , this is kind of spoilt. ok no more frowning just study ba and hope that you can get the right stuffs into the brain. before i can do this i guess i need a wholesome meal.. yeah dinner time!

posted by jingzzz @   0 comments

friday the 13th

the day has been great with no barriers. slightly busy trying to get more things done on time since monday is a holiday for me. boss is so kind to let me off on the next monday since there is nothing much to do during the annual lab investigation.. so he gave me the consent to go for study leave and of course i was too grateful to say a second word.

lesson ended ususually early. as i was reading the notes i overheard a conversation between two ladies, most probably in their thirties. both were a social worker discussing on the task of taking care of children. so shock to realised nowadays parents were on hectic work schedule that they hired maids to take charge of their preschool kids. this was what lady A told lady B " during my time off i went to fetch my boy and found that there is 80% of maids, 10% of mothers and 10% of grandparents waiting anxiously outside the childcare center."

woa the proportion is so skewed.. in the sense parents or in fact the mothers only stand 10% in taking the responsibility. everyone is working very hard to earn money for better life and kids starting at the age of five has no proper care and guidance from parents. being a conservative woman, i can see that i'm going to give up my beloved work for my children. at least making sure they are well taken care of and provide them with wonderous childhood time, this is my goal and my dream. of course i'm not saying to be jobless for many years, one is still allowed to step into the working society anytime anywhere. yeah!

anyway when i alighted from the bus, a girl bumped into me and questioned my shoes. this is the 6th time that i am repeating myself the pair of feather-like shoe is passed down by my aunt and no stocks can be found islandwide. OI LUI BUOY BO HOR! that is why they say opportunity never knock twice.

okie shall log off and go mugging...

posted by jingzzz @   0 comments

I was wondering have YOU seen the LAST entry?

you know who you are (hiak hiak)

oh almost forgot for the month of april..

and there it goes

posted by jingzzz @   0 comments

Damn hilarious... copy michael jackson's thriller

*burst into laughter

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